


about us



The Volta Region is one of Ghana’s sixteen (16) administrative regions, with Ho as its capital. The region is bordered by the Oti Region in the north, the Gulf of Guinea in the south, the Eastern Region in the West and the Republic of Togo in the east.

The region is connected by an extensive road network. Tarmac roads link Ho to Aflao, Ho to Juapong, Aflao to Keta, Keta to Sogakope and to Accra in the south and Ho to Kpando.

The National highway 1 (N1) and the National highway 2 (N2) pass through the region. National highways are class of roads and highways that form the trunk routes between major urban centres.

The blackspots on the N1 include:

  • Dzodze & Tadzewu Junction
  • Agbedrafor Junction
  • Akatsi Cemetery
  • Agbozume
  • Ziopke
  • Adidome Junction
  • Akato Junction
  • Hlevi
  • Tefle
  • Gao
  • Vume
  • Dabala Junction
  • Keta Junction

The blackspots on the N2 include:

  • Peki Adzokoe
  • Likpe Junction
  • Kpeve New Town
  • Anyirawase Junction Kpeve

Office Location: Old Controller Building, current Regional Birth and Death Registry – Ho
[opposite Volta Regional Coordinating Council]
GPS Address: VH-0003-0324
Email: volta@nrsa.gov.gh