


about us



The Oti Region was created in December 2018 with its capital at Dambai. The region was carved out of the northern part of the Volta Region. Inhabitants of Oti region are predominantly farmers and the transport sector plays a key role in their lives. With farmers’ limited access to storage facilities, the demand for transport becomes much more vital as it provides them with a medium of conveying their farm produce to the market.

Motorbikes and tricycles are a major means of transport in the region.

Records indicate that, this means of transport is a major contributor to road traffic crashes within the Region.

The National highway 7 (N7), National highway 10 (N10) and the National highway 12 (N12) pass through the region. National highways are class of roads and highways that form the trunk routes between major urban centres.

The blackspots on the N7 include:

  • Town Council
  • Damango

The blackspots on the N10 include:

  • Biliskura
  • Sarikyi Akura
  • Fitter Akura
  • BOST 2nd Junction
  • Teak Plantation

The blackspots on the N12 include:

  • Serekpe
  • Project 2 Deg Area
  • Teselema
  • Jamal Junction
  • Banda Junction
  • Monamala No 2
  • Blema
  • Sakpa
  • Tinga
  • Yakamba Junction

Office Location: 1st Block Nkwanta MOFA
GPS Address: VO-00002-1908
Email: oti@nrsa.gov.gh